HomeBoss Developer Guide


HomeBoss is a software project adapted from the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.

Libraries used in this project:

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shut down.

  • At app launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down, it shuts down the other components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

The bulk of the app's work is done by the following four components:

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the Logic.java interface and implements its functionality using the LogicManager.java class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in Ui.java

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, ListPanel , StatusBarFooter, HelpWindow etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands through the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data through the Logic component so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, referenced through the Logic component as it displays Customer and Delivery objects residing in the Model.

Logic component

API : Logic.java

Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("customer delete 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

Note: The lifeline for CustomerDeleteCommandParser and CustomerDeleteCommand should end at the destroy marker ( X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an AddressBookParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g., CustomerDeleteCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., CustomerDeleteCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to delete a customer).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • when called upon to parse a user command, the AddressBookParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., CustomerAddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., CustomerAddCommand) which the AddressBookParser returns back as a Command object.
  • all XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., CustomerAddCommandParser, DeliveryDeleteCommandParser, ...) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

Model component

API : Model.java

The Model component,

  • stores the address book data i.e., all Customer objects. (See the ReadOnlyBook Model section below for more details)
  • stores the delivery book data i.e., all Delivery objects. (See the ReadOnlyBook Model section below for more details)
  • stores the currently filtered Customer objects (See the Customer Model) as a separate filteredCustomers list. (e.g., results of a customer list command)
  • stores the currently filtered Delivery objects (See the Delivery Model) as a separate filteredDeliveries list. (e.g., results of a delivery list --status COMPLETED command)
  • stores the currently sorted Delivery objects as a separate sortedDeliveries list. (eg., results of a delivery list --sort ASC command)
  • stores a User object that represents the stored user's data (See the User Model).
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref object.
  • stores an unmodifiable ObservableList<ListItem> that exposes the Customer or Delivery details that is shown on the UI list panel that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Note: Due to a limitation of PlantUML, we are putting both multiplicity and association role on the same line.

ReadOnlyBook Model

The ReadOnlyBook model,

  • exposes the AddressBook and DeliveryBook to the outside.
  • The AddressBook class stores the address book data i.e., all Customer that are contained through the UniqueCustomerList.
  • the DeliveryBook class stores the delivery book data i.e., all Delivery that are contained through the UniqueDeliveryList.

User Model

The User model,

  • stores the user data i.e, the username, password, secret question and answer of the user.

Delivery Model

The Delivery model,

  • stores the delivery data i.e, the delivery ID, delivery name, customer, delivery status, order date, expected delivery date and note for the delivery.

Customer Model

The Customer model,

  • stores the customer data i.e, the customer ID, phone, email, name and address.

Storage component

API : Storage.java

The Storage component,

  • can save user preference data, address book data and delivery book data in JSON format,
  • and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from UserPrefStorage
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component's job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

The concrete implementation of storage is done through StorageManger, which holds an instance of UserPrefsStorage, BookStorage and BookStorageWithReference. Which represents the User Preference Data, Address Book and Delivery Book respectively.

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Register Command


The register command is used to register a new user account. Once registered, the user will be able to log in to the account and access all the commands available.

The format for the register command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user executes the register command.
  2. If a stored user exists, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the command completes successfully, the user will be registered and logged in.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of a user registering an account:


The sequence of the register command is as follows:

  1. The command register --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --confirmPass CONFIRM_PASSWORD --secretQn SECRET_QUESTION --answer ANSWER is entered by the user (i.e., register --user gab --password pass1234 --confirmPass pass1234 --secretQn First Pet? --answer Koko).
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with the full user input.
  3. The AddressBookParser will parse the command, creating a new instance of UserRegisterCommandParser, thereafter calling UserRegisterCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. UserRegisterCommandParser will parse the arguments, create a new User and return a new instance of UserRegisterCommand, which is in turn passed back to AddressBookParser then back to LogicManager.
  5. LogicManager calls UserRegisterCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if a user is already registered by calling Model#getStoredUser.
  6. If no user is registered, UserRegisterCommand calls Model#registerUser to store the user.
  7. Finally, UserRegisterCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the register command works:


Login Command


The login command is used to log in to the user's account. Once logged in, the user will have access to all the commands available.

The format for the login command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user specifies the Username and Password in the login command.
  2. If there is no registered account found, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the user is currently already logged in, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. The User is then cross-referenced with the stored user in Model to check if the credentials match. If incorrect credentials are provided, a CommandException will be thrown.
  5. If the command completes successfully, the user will be logged in and the isLoggedIn status in Model will be updated to true.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of a user logging in:


The sequence of the login command is as follows:

  1. Upon launching the application, the ModelManager will be initialized with the User constructed with details from the authentication.json file.
  2. The command login --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD is entered by the user ( e.g. login --user Gabriel435 --password 12345678)
  3. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with login --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD as input.
  4. AddressBookParser will parse the command and creates a new instance of UserLoginCommandParser, thereafter calling UserLoginCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  5. UserLoginCommandParser will parse the arguments, create a new User instance, and return a new instance of UserLoginCommand. This UserLoginCommand instance is then returned to LogicManager.
  6. LogicManager calls UserLoginCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks whether there is a registered account stored by calling Model#getStoredUser.
  7. The UserLoginCommand then checks whether the user is currently logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  8. After that, the UserLoginCommand checks if the user credentials match the stored user by calling Model#userMatches.
  9. If the user is not logged in and the credentials match, the UserLoginCommand calls Model#setLoginSuccess, changing the login status to true and giving the user access to all the commands.
  10. The userLoginCommand also calls Model#showAllFilteredCustomerList to display the list of customers.
  11. Finally, UserLoginCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the login command works:


Logout Command


The logout command is used to log out from the user's account. Once logged out, the user will have no access to all the commands available, except for help, exit, register, login, recover and delete account.

The format for the logout command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user executes the logout command.
  2. If the user is already logged out, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the command completes successfully, the user will be logged out and the isLoggedIn status in Model will be updated to false.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of a user logging out:


The sequence of the logout command is as follows:

  1. The command logout is entered by the user.
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with logout as input.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and create a new instance of UserLogoutCommand. This instance is then returned to LogicManager.
  4. Then, LogicManager calls UserLogoutCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  5. If the user is currently logged in, the UserLogoutCommand calls Model#setLogoutSuccess, changing the login status to false and restricting the user access to most commands.
  6. The UserLogoutCommand also calls Model#clearFilteredDeliveryList and Model#clearFilteredCustomerList to hide the list of deliveries and customers.
  7. Finally, UserLogoutCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the logout command works:


Customer Add Command


The customer add command is used to create a new customer with information fields Name, Phone, Email and Address. A unique ID will be assigned to the customer upon creation.

The format for the customer add command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user executes the customer add command.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the Customer already exists in the database, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the command completes successfully, the Customer will be added to the Customer database.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of adding a Customer into the database:


The sequence of the customer add command is as follows:

  1. The User executes the customer add command.
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand on the command.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and creates a new instance of CustomerAddCommandParser, thereafter calling CustomerAddCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. CustomerAddCommandParser will parse the arguments, and creates a new Customer instance, followed by a new instance of CustomerAddCommand using the Customer instance as a parameter.
  5. CustomerAddCommand instance is then passed back to AddressBookParser instance, which then passes it back to LogicManager.
  6. LogicManager calls CustomerAddCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling the Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  7. Thereafter, the CustomerAddCommand instance checks if the Customer exists in Model using Model#hasCustomer.
  8. If the Customer does not exist, CustomerAddCommand calls Model#addCustomer to add the Customer into the database.
  9. Finally, CustomerAddCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the customer add command works:


Customer Edit Command


The customer edit command is used to edit an existing Customer with at least one of the information fields specified by the user, namely the customer's Name, Phone, Email or/and Address.

The format for the customer edit command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user executes the customer edit command.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the provided ID does not match any of the existing Customer IDs, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the edits result in a duplicate Customer, a CommandException will be thrown.
  5. If the command completes successfully, the Customer will be edited with the new information provided by the user.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of a user editing a customer's information:


The sequence of the customer edit command is as follows:

  1. The command customer edit CUSTOMER_ID --name NAME --phone PHONE --email EMAIL --address ADDRESS is entered by the user.
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with customer edit CUSTOMER_ID --name NAME --phone PHONE --email EMAIL --address ADDRESS as input.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and creates a new instance of CustomerEditCommandParser, thereafter calling CustomerEditCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. CustomerEditCommandParser will call its own CustomerEditCommandParser#createCustomerEditDescriptor method which in turn creates a new CustomerEditDescriptor instance with the parsed arguments and returns it to CustomerEditCommandParser.
  5. CustomerEditCommandParser then creates a CustomerEditCommand instance and returns it to AddressBookParser.
  6. AddressBookParser then passes the CustomerEditCommand instance to LogicManager.
  7. LogicManager then calls CustomerEditCommand#execute with the Model instance as input.
  8. The CustomerEditCommand instance then checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  9. Thereafter, the CustomerEditCommand calls its own CustomerEditCommand#createEditedCustomer method which in turn creates a new Customer instance with the edited information provided by the user.
  10. This Customer instance is returned to CustomerEditCommand. CustomerEditCommand then calls Model#setCustomer to update the existing Customer with the new information provided by the user.
  11. The CustomerEditCommand then calls CustomerEditCommand#updateDelivery to update Deliveries associated with this updated Customer.
  12. Model#showAllFilteredCustomerList is then called to display the updated list of customers.
  13. Finally, CustomerEditCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the customer edit command works:


Delivery Add Command


The delivery add command is used to add a new Delivery with all the given information fields specified by the user, namely the delivery's DeliveryName, customer id of a Customer and DeliveryDate. All fields are compulsory.

The format for the delivery add command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user executes the delivery add command.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the provided Customer ID does not match any of the existing Customer IDs, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the expected Delivery date is before the current date, a CommandException will be thrown.
  5. If the command completes successfully, the Delivery will be added to the Delivery database.

The following activity diagram shows the logic of a user adding a delivery:


The sequence of the delivery add command is as follows:

  1. The user inputs the delivery add command with input as the DeliveryName, Customer ID of a Customer and DeliveryDate. e.g.(delivery add --name Chocolate Cake --customer 1 --date 2024-10-10)
  2. The LogicManager calls AddressBookParser#parseCommand with input as input.
  3. The AddressBookParser in turn creates an instance of DeliveryAddCommandParser and calls DeliveryAddCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. The DeliveryAddCommandParser then creates a DeliveryAddDescriptor instance.
  5. A new DeliveryAddCommand instance is then created by DeliveryAddCommandParser.
  6. The DeliveryAddCommand instance is then returned to AddressBookParser, and finally to the LogicManager where DeliveryAddCommand#execute method is called with Model instance as input.
  7. The DeliveryAddCommand then calls upon Model#getUserLoginStatus to check if the user is logged in.
  8. The DeliveryAddCommand then calls its own DeliveryAddCommand#createDelivery method which creates a new Delivery instance using the DeliveryAddDescriptor instance created earlier.
  9. The DeliveryAddCommand then calls the Model#addDelivery method to add the newly created Delivery instance into the database.
  10. Finally, the DeliveryAddCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram shows how the delivery add command works:


Delivery View Command


The delivery view command is used to view a selected delivery with the id specified by the user.

The format of the delivery view command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user will specify a Delivery through its ID.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the provided ID does not match any of the existing Delivery IDs, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the command completes successfully, the details of the specified Delivery will be shown.

The following activity diagram illustrates the logic of viewing a Delivery.

The sequence of the delivery view command is as follows:

  1. The command delivery view DELIVERY_ID is entered by the user (e.g. delivery view 1).
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with delivery view DELIVERY_ID as input.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and creates a new instance of DeliveryViewCommandParser thereafter calling DeliveryViewCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. DeliveryViewCommandParser will parse the arguments, and return a new instance of DeliveryViewCommand. This instance is then returned to the LogicManager.
  5. LogicManager calls DeliveryViewCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  6. Thereafter, the DeliveryViewCommand instance fetches the Delivery with the specified DELIVERY_ID from Model, calling Model#getDelivery.
  7. Finally, DeliveryViewCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram illustrates the delivery view command sequence:

Delivery List Command


The delivery list command is used to list all deliveries in the delivery book.

The format of the delivery list command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user can optionally specify a status, customer id, date and sort to filter and sort the current delivery list in any combination.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the status was provided, the status is added as a filter.
  4. If the Customer ID was provided, the Customer ID is added as a filter.
  5. If the date was provided, the date is added as an expected delivery date filter.
  6. The delivery list will be filtered by the filters created, if any.
  7. If the filtered list is empty, the application informs the user of empty list and the command execution ends.
  8. If the sort was provided, the sort provided is added as the sort. By default, a descending order sort is added as a sort.
  9. The delivery list will be sorted by the sort created.
  10. If the command completes successfully, the list of deliveries is displayed to the user.

The following activity diagram illustrates the logic for listing Delivery:

The sequence of the delivery list command is as follows:

  1. The command delivery list --status STATUS --customer CUSTOMER_ID --date EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE --sort SORT is entered by the user (e.g. delivery list --status created --customer 1 --date 2023-12-12 --sort ASC).
  2. The LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with the full user input.
  3. The AddressBookParser will parse the command, creating a new instance of DeliveryListCommandParser, thereafter calling DeliveryListCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. DeliveryListCommandParser#parse will call DeliveryListCommandParser#parseDeliveryListCommandto parse the arguments and return a new instance of DeliveryListCommand, which is in turn passed back to AddressBookParser then back to LogicManager.
  5. LogicManager calls DeliveryListCommand#execute with the Model as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  6. Thereafter, DeliveryListCommand will call DeliveryListCommand#createDeliveryListFilters to create the filters based on the parsed arguments, if any.
  7. DeliveryListCommand will call Model#updateFilteredDeliveryList(Predicate) to filter the delivery list by the filters created.
  8. DeliveryListCommand will call DeliveryListCommand#createDeliveryListSort() to create the sort for the delivery list by expected delivery date based on the parsed arguments, if any, or by default, create the sort in descending expected delivery date.
  9. DeliveryListCommand will call Model#updateSortedDeliveryList(Comparator) to sort the delivery list by the sort created.
  10. Finally, DeliveryListCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The default delivery sort is desc which sorts the delivery list by expected delivery date in descending order from the latest date to the earliest date.

The following sequence diagram illustrates the delivery list command sequence:

Delivery Status Command


The delivery status command is used to update the DeliveryStatus of a selected delivery with the new status specified by the user.

The format of the delivery status command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user will specify a Delivery through its ID. The user must specify a DeliveryStatus to replace the current status of the selected delivery.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the provided ID does not match any of the existing Delivery IDs, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the command completes successfully, the status of the Delivery with the specified Delivery ID will be updated to the new status.

The following activity diagram illustrates the logic of updating the DeliveryStatus of a Delivery:

The sequence of the delivery status command is as follows:

  1. The command delivery status DELIVERY_ID STATUS is entered by the user (e.g. delivery status 1 completed)
  2. LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with delivery status DELIVERY_ID STATUS as input.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and creates a new instance of DeliveryStatusCommandParser, thereafter calling DeliveryStatusCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. DeliveryStatusCommandParser will parse the arguments, and return a new instance of DeliveryStatusCommand which is in turn passed back to AddressBookParser then back to LogicManager.
  5. LogicManager calls DeliveryStatusCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus().
  6. Thereafter, the DeliveryStatusCommand instance fetches the Delivery with the specified DELIVERY_ID from Model , then calls it's own DeliveryStatusCommand#createDeliveryWithNewStatus method to create a new Delivery with the updated DeliveryStatus.
  7. It then replaces the existing Delivery with the same ID in the Model using Model#setDelivery with the newly created Delivery with identical fields except for its updated DeliveryStatus.
  8. Finally, DeliveryStatusCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

The following sequence diagram illustrates the delivery status command sequence:

Delivery Note Command


The delivery note command is used to create a new Note a selected delivery with the new note specified by the user

The format of the delivery note command can be found here.

Feature Details

  1. The user will specify a Delivery through its id. The user must specify a non-empty Note to replace the current status of the selected delivery.
  2. If the user is not logged in during command execution, a CommandException will be thrown.
  3. If the provided ID does not match any of the existing Delivery IDs, a CommandException will be thrown.
  4. If the command completes successfully, the selected Delivery will be updated with the new Note.

The following activity diagram illustrates the logic of creating a Note for a Delivery:

The sequence of the delivery note command is as follows:

  1. The command delivery note DELIVERY_ID --note NOTE is entered by the user (e.g. delivery note 1 --note This is a note).
  2. The LogicManager calls the AddressBookParser#parseCommand with delivery note DELIVERY_ID --note NOTE as input.
  3. AddressBookParser will parse the command, and creates a new instance of DeliveryCreateNoteCommandParser, thereafter calling DeliveryCreateNoteCommandParser#parse to parse the command arguments.
  4. DeliveryCreateNoteCommandParser will parse the arguments, and return a new instance of DeliveryCreateNoteCommand, which is in turn passed back to AddressBookParser then back to LogicManager.
  5. LogicManager calls DeliveryCreateNoteCommand#execute with the Model instance as input, which checks if the user is logged in by calling Model#getUserLoginStatus.
  6. Thereafter, the DeliveryCreateNoteCommand instance fetchs the Delivery with the specified DELIVERY_ID, from Model then calls it's own DeliveryCreateNoteCommand#createDeliveryWithNewNote method to create a new Delivery with the updated Note.
  7. It then replaces the existing Delivery with the same ID in the Model using Model#setDelivery with the newly created Delivery with identical fields except for its updated Note.
  8. Finally, DeliveryCreateNoteCommand creates a new CommandResult instance with the result of the execution and returns it back to LogicManager which then returns it to the UI.

If the specified Delivery already has an existing Note, it will be overridden by the new Note supplied if the command executes successfully.

The following diagram illustrates the delivery note command sequence:

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • has a home business
  • want to oversee customers in an organised manner
  • want to manage deliveries efficiently and effectively
  • prefer desktop apps over other types
  • can type fast
  • prefers typing to mouse interactions
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

Value proposition: Home-based business owners can have a huge base of customers. HomeBoss streamlines and simplifies the management of customer contacts and deliveries, thereby improving efficiency for business owners.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - ***, Medium (nice to have) - **, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As …​ I want to …​ So that …​
*** an owner create a local account I can personalise my account and secure my data.
*** a registered owner log in to my local account I can access my data.
*** a forgetful owner retrieve my account I can still recover my data if I forget my password.
*** a logged-in owner log out of my account I can keep my data secure.
*** a registered owner delete my account I can clear all personal information or data from HomeBoss for privacy and security reasons.
*** a registered owner update my details I can change my personalisation and enhance security.
*** a registered owner create a customer I can tie deliveries to customers’ information.
*** a registered owner view a customer I can see their detailed information.
*** a registered owner see a customer's list of deliveries I can easily see all the deliveries of a certain customer.
*** a registered owner quickly search for the details of a client I can monitor the progress of an order efficiently and effectively.
*** a registered owner update a customer's details I can change details if keyed in wrongly.
*** a registered owner delete a customer I can remove redundant or incorrect customer records, especially when unforeseen errors occur.
*** a registered owner view a list of customers I can have a comprehensive overview of my customer base.
*** a registered owner create a delivery I can efficiently organise and access delivery information.
*** a registered owner create notes about deliveries I can add additional information about deliveries.
*** a registered owner view a list of deliveries I can see a comprehensive overview of my deliveries.
*** a registered owner see the list of deliveries that would be delivered for the day I can prioritise particular orders.
*** a registered owner add a customer to a delivery I can know who the delivery is for.
*** a registered owner quickly search for the name of a delivery I can monitor the progress of delivery.
*** a registered owner see a list of deliveries sorted by their expected date of delivery I can see a more organised list and easier for me to get an overview of all orders.
*** a registered owner view the details of a delivery I can know what the order is and where to deliver it to.
*** a registered owner update the status of the delivery I can keep track of the delivery progress and notify my client.
*** a registered owner update delivery details I can change any information if there was an error from me.
*** a registered owner delete a delivery I can get rid of deliveries that are redundant.
* a registered owner relate my inventory to my orders I can keep track of my inventory.
* a registered owner know the sum of all the materials required for a fixed delivery schedule I can plan my inventory.
* a registered owner have different user authorisation levels I can control who has access to what.

Planned Enhancements

  1. Our ID generation is not consistent (e.g., If there are 5 customers with ID 1-5 and the last 4 are deleted, the next ID will be 6. However, if you restart the application, the next created Customer will have ID of 2.) Currently, we only reset the next available ID to (max ID + 1) when the user closes and launches the program again. Other times, it might skip a few numbers depending on the operations performed. We plan to perform this clean up operation ( where ID resets to (max ID + 1)) after every command that modifies the data. This will ensure that the next available ID is always (max ID + 1) and also help in keeping the ID generation more consistent and be more space efficient.

  2. Currently, you are unable to key in special characters for the name of a customer or for delivery notes. We plan to allow certain special characters only such as / for the name of a customer as some people have special characters eg. Gabriel s/o Bryan in their name or require special characters when taking notes.

  3. Currently, there is an inconsistency in Command Format in terms of whether a prefix is required in a command despite having the same number of parameters which may cause confusion for the user. For example, delivery note requires a --note prefix while delivery status does not require a prefix at all even though both have 1 parameter. We plan to make our command format for consistent by having delivery status require a --status prefix to make it more predictable.

  4. Currently, the find command requires exact match of keywords and returns results that matches any of those keywords. This potentially results in numerous in unwanted data to be shown if there are multiple matching keywords. Or, if there are no matching keywords, no results would be shown. For example, if you have 100 Chocolate Cake and 100 Strawberry Buns and 1 Chocolate Buns, and you search for Chocolate Buns, the result would be 100 Chocolate Cake and 1 Chocolate Buns and 100 Strawberry Buns. Or, if you misspelled your search as Chcolate Bns, you would receive no result. We plan to make the find command have more options to do more complex search functionalities such as fuzzy search and exact match search. For example, if you search for Chocolate Buns, with exact search, the result would be 1 Chocolate Buns. Or, if you misspelled your search as Chcolate Bns, with fuzzy search, the result would be 1 Chocolate Buns.

  5. Currently, there is no proper precedence of errors which may cause confusion among users. For example, keying in an invalid command format for customer edit while logged out will show all the errors regarding the format first before it tells that you are logged out (once the command format is valid and evaluated). This may result in time wasted as you need to then login first before re-typing your command again. Thus, we plan to set a precedence of error so that more important errors such as authentication errors are shown first and make errors more consistent in the order of how it is displayed.

  6. Currently, if you input an invalid ID, it simply states "ID must be an integer more than 0 and less than 2147483648." but does not state whether it is a Delivery ID or Customer ID. We plan to make the error message more specific by stating whether it is a Delivery ID or Customer ID.

  7. Currently, only the user password is the only thing that is hashed in the authentication file. We plan to encrypt the whole JSON authentication file and the data to prevent unauthorised access to the user's account and data instead of only hashing the user password.

  8. Currently, if you input an invalid day, month or year such as 2023-02-30, it simply states date "Dates should be in the format yyyy-MM-dd" but does not specify why it is invalid. We plan to make the error more specific by stating what is the actual invalid input of the date, in this case, the day is invalid as 30th February does not exist.

  9. Currently, you can put duplicate prefixes for delivery list to filter or sort the deliveries that may arise in confusion by which filter is applied. We plan to disallow duplicate prefixes for delivery list so that users would not be confused by the output.

  10. Currently, inputting a negative value or zero for some numerical parameters that requires a positive integer simply states "Invalid Command Format". The error message should be more specific and state "Please enter a positive integer that is more than 0 and less than 2147483648.".

Use cases

For all use cases below, the System is HomeBoss and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise.

Use Case: UC01 - Register an Account

System: User System (US)

Actor: Unregistered owner

Preconditions: User system has no account.


  • Account is created if the command is executed successfully.
  • Unregistered owner is registered and logged in if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Unregistered owner enters register command with registration details.

  2. US creates an account and logs-in the user.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. US detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. US states error in command.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC02 - Login

System: User System (US)

Actor: Registered owner

Preconditions: Registered owner is logged out.


  • Registered owner is logged in.


  1. Registered owner enters the login command with login details.

  2. US logs-in the user.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. US detects an error in the entered command.

    • 1a1. US states error in command.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC03 - Account Recovery

System: User System (US)

Actor: Registered owner

Preconditions: An owner is registered with HomeBoss.


  • Password will be changed.


  1. Registered owner enters the account recovery command.

  2. US states the secret question that the user set during account registration.

  3. Registered owner enters the account recovery details.

  4. US logs-in the user

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. US detects an error in the entered command.

    • 1a1. US states error in command.

      Use case ends.

  • 3a. US detects an error in the entered command.

    • 3a1. US states error in command.

      Use case ends.

  • 3b. US detects an error in the recovery details.

    • 3b1. US states error in recovery details.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC04 - Logout

System: User System (US)

Actor: Logged-In owner

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • Logged-in owner would be logged out.


  1. Logged-In owner types logout

  2. US logs owner out.

    Use case ends.

Use Case: UC05 - Delete Account

System: User System (US)

Actor: Registered owner.

Preconditions: Account is present.


  • User account is deleted.


  1. Registered owner types command to delete his account.

  2. User system deletes his account.

    Use case ends.

Use Case: UC06 - Update User Details

System: User System (US)

Actor: Logged-in owner

Preconditions: Owner is logged in


  • Old details will be changed to the new details keyed in only if the command is executed successfully


  1. Logged-in Owner types in command and new details to update details.

  2. US updates the details of Owner.

    Use Case ends.


  • 1a. US detects an error in the entered command.
    • 1a1. US states error in command.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC07 - Create Customer

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner

Preconditions: Owner is logged in


  • Customer is created and added to Customer database if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types in command and customer’s details to create a customer.

  2. CMS adds the Customer to the Customer database.

    Use Case ends.


  • 1a. CMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. CMS states error in command.

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. CMS detects duplicated customer.

    • 1b1. CMS states that customer already exists.

    Use case ends.

Use Case: UC08 - View customer’s details

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner

Preconditions: Owner is logged in


  • Shows customer’s details if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types in command specifying Customer’s ID.

  2. CMS shows all of the specified Customer’s details.

    Use Case ends.


  • 1a. CMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. CMS states error in command.

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. CMS detects Customer does not exist.

    • 1b1. CMS states that Customer does not exist.

    Use case ends.

Use Case: UC09 - Search for a Customer

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner

Preconditions: Owner is logged in


  • List of customers with the specified keyword will be shown only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types in the command and keyword to search for a customer.

  2. US shows a list of customers, with that keyword, their details.

    Use Case ends.


  • 1a. CMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. CMS states error in command.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC10 - Customer Update Details

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • Selected customer’s details are updated only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to update a customer’s details with at least one field specified.

  2. CMS updates the details of the specified customer.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. CMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. CMS states error in command.

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. CMS detects customer does not exist.

    • 1b1. CMS states that customer does not exist.

    Use case ends.

  • 1c. CMS detects there are duplicated customers.

    • 1c1. CMS states that edited details match existing Customer.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC11 - Customer Deletion

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • Selected customer is deleted if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to delete a customer.

  2. CMS deletes specified customer from the customer database.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. CMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. CMS states error in command.

    Use case ends.

  • 1b. CMS detects Customer does not exist.

    • 1b1. CMS states that Customer does not exist.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC12 - List Customers

System: Customer Management System (CMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • All Customers are listed only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to list all customers.

  2. CMS shows list of all customers.

    Use Case Ends.

Use case: UC13 - Delivery Creation

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • A new Delivery is created only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to create a delivery.

  2. DMS adds the delivery to the delivery database.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in command.

      Use Case Ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects Customer linked to Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the specified Customer does not exist.

      Use Case Ends.

Use case: UC14 - Delivery Notes Creation

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • A new note is added to a delivery only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to create a note for a delivery.

  2. DMS updates the delivery with the created note.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in command.

      Use Case Ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects that the specified Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the specified Delivery does not exist.

      Use Case Ends.

Use case: UC15 - Delivery List

System: Delivery Management System (DMS) Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • A list of deliveries is displayed only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command to view a list of deliveries.

  2. DMS displays a list of all deliveries where the expected delivery dates are sorted in descending order.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects filters or sort options in the entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS displays a list of deliveries filtered and sorted by the specified filters and sort order detected.

    Use Case Ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects an error in the entered command.

    • 1b1. DMS states the error in the entered command.

    Use Case Ends.

Use case: UC16 - Search for Delivery

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged in.


  • A delivery is searched for only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in Owner types command and keywords to search for a delivery.

  2. DMS displays a list of deliveries that match the keywords in the search query.

    Use Case Ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in entered command.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC17 - View details of delivery

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in Owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged-in.


  • Details of the delivery are displayed only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in owner types command to view details of delivery.

  2. DMS shows details of the specified delivery.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in entered command.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects that the specified Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the Delivery does not exist.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC18 - Update delivery status

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged-in.


  • The status of the delivery is updated only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in owner types command to update the status of a delivery.

  2. DMS updates the status of the delivery.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in entered command.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects that the specified Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the Delivery does not exist.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC19 - Update delivery details

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged-in.


  • The details of the delivery is updated only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in owner types command to update the details of a delivery.

  2. DMS updates the details of the delivery.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in entered command.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects that the specified Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the Delivery does not exist.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. DMS detects update to Customer linked to Delivery but specified Customer does not exist.

    • 1c1. DMS states that the Customer does not exist.

      Use case ends.

Use Case: UC20 - Delete delivery

System: Delivery Management System (DMS)

Actor: Logged-in owner.

Preconditions: Owner is logged-in.


  • The delivery is deleted only if the command is executed successfully.


  1. Logged-in owner types command to delete a delivery.

  2. DMS deletes the delivery.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. DMS detects error in entered command.

    • 1a1. DMS states error in entered command.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. DMS detects that the specified Delivery does not exist.

    • 1b1. DMS states that the Delivery does not exist.

      Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to
    1. 1000 customers without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
    2. 1000 deliveries without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. The system should be easily picked up by a novice with no experience with delivery management software.
  4. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  5. Data stored should be persistent until removal by user, and Private Contact Details should be secure.
  6. Data should be stored locally.
  7. The GUI should not cause any resolution-related inconveniences to the user for standard screen resolutions of 1920x1080 and higher, and should be usable for screen resolutions of 1280x720 and higher.
  8. The application should be packaged into a single JAR file with size not exceeding 100MB.
  9. The project is expected to adhere to a schedule which delivers a feature set every milestone up to V1.3
  10. The application is not expected to
    1. Perform Inventory Management
    2. Perform Route Planning


Term Definition
Alphanumeric Consisting of only letters and numbers
Command Line Interface (CLI) A text-based user interface used to run programs
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A visual interface where you can interact with the program through graphical components
JSON Short for JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight format for storing your data
Owner The individual who owns the home-based business and who uses the HomeBoss app
Mainstream OS Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
Parameter Inputs to customise the command to your needs
Prefix Special markers for HomeBoss to understand your inputs
Private Contact Detail A contact detail that is not meant to be shared with others

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.


Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch.

    1. Download the jar file and copy it into an empty folder.

    2. Run HomeBoss.jar. If you are unsure how to run a .jar file, you may refer to this helpful guide .

    3. First register for HomeBoss using the register command. So, for example, if you want to register an account with the following details:


      Type register --user Alex123 --password AlexIsGreat --confirmPass AlexIsGreat --secretQn First Pet Name? --answer Koko into the Command Box and hit enter. More details on the command can be found here.

    4. Expected: Should see the HomeBoss Homepage.

  2. Subsequent launches.

    1. Relaunch the application by running HomeBoss.jar.

    2. Using the login command, log in into HomeBoss with the same user details entered earlier. Expected: User is able to log in successfully and see the HomeBoss homepage.


  1. Registering for an account.

    1. Prerequisites: None

    2. Test Case: register --user Gabriel --password GabrielIsGreat --confirmPass GabrielIsGreat --secretQn First Pet Name? --answer Koko {.swift}.
      Expected: A new user account is registered with username Gabriel, password GabrielIsGreat, secret question First Pet Name? and answer Koko.

    3. Test Case: register --user Ga_briel --password GabrielIsGreat --confirmPass GabrielIsGreat --secretQn First Pet Name? --answer Koko {.swift}.
      Expected: No new user is registered. Error indicating username constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: register --user Gabriel --password Gabriel_IsGreat --confirmPass Gabriel_IsGreat --secretQn First Pet Name? --answer Koko {.swift}.
      Expected: No new user is registered. Error indicating password constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: register --user Gabriel --password GabrielIsGreat --confirmPass GabrielIsGreat1 --secretQn First Pet Name? --answer Koko {.swift}.
      Expected: No new user is registered. Error indicating password and confirm password do not match is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: register --user Gabriel --password GabrielIsGreat --confirmPass GabrielIsGreat --secretQn First Pet Name? {.swift}.
      Expected: No new user is registered. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: There already exists a user account stored in the application.
      Expected: No new user is registered. Error indicating existing account is shown in the feedback message.


  1. Login to an account.

    1. Prerequisites: There exists a stored user in the application, with the username Gabriel and password GabrielIsGreat. The user is currently logged-out of the application.

    2. Test Case: login --user Gabriel --password GabrielIsGreat.
      Expected: The user is logged-in into the application. A welcome message is shown in the result message.

    3. Test Case: login --user Ga_briel --password GabrielIsGreat.
      Expected: The user does not get logged-in. Error indicating username constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: login --user Gabriel --password Gabriel_IsGreat.
      Expected: The user does not get logged-in. Error indicating password constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: login --user Gabriel1 --password GabrielIsGreat.
      Expected: The user does not get logged-in. Error indicating wrong username or password is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: login --user Gabriel --password GabrielIsGreat1.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    7. Test Case: login --user Gabriel.
      Expected: The user does not get logged-in. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

Update Account Details

  1. Updating account details.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command.

    2. Test Case: update --user Gabriel123.
      Expected: The username of the currently logged-in user is updated to Gabriel123.

    3. Test Case: update --password GabrielIsCool --confirmPass GabrielIsCool.
      Expected: The password of the currently logged-in user is updated to GabrielIsCool.

    4. Test Case: update --secretQn Favourite Pet --answer Bobo.
      Expected: The secret question of the currently logged-in user is updated to GabrielIsCool and the answer is updated to Bobo.

    5. Test Case: update.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating that at least one field must be specified is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: update --user G_briel123.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating username constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: update --password Gabriel_IsCool --confirmPass Gabriel_IsCool.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating password constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: update --password GabrielIsCool --confirmPass GabrielIsNotCool.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating password and confirm password do not match is shown in the feedback message.

    9. Test Case: update --password GabrielIsCool.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating that password and confirm password must be both present or both absent is shown in the feedback message.

    10. Test Case: update --secretQn Favourite Pet.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating that secret question and answer must be both present or both absent is shown in the feedback message.


  1. Logging out of the application.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command.

    2. Test Case: logout.
      Expected: The currently logged-in user is logged out of the application, currently displayed Customers/Deliveries are hidden.

    3. Test Case: logout extra or other extra arguments.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Recover Account

  1. Recovering user account.

    1. Prerequisites: There exists a stored user in the application, and the answer of the currently stored user's secret question is "Koko".

    2. Test Case: recover account.
      Expected: The currently stored user's secret question is displayed.

    3. Test Case: recover account --answer Koko --password NewPassword123 --confirmPass NewPassword123.
      Expected: The currently stored user's password is updated to NewPassword123

    4. Test Case: recover account --answer NotKoko --password NewPassword123 --confirmPass NewPassword123
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating that answer is incorrect is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: recover account --answer Koko --password NewPassword_123 --confirmPass NewPassword_123.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating password constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: recover account --answer Koko --password NewPassword123 --confirmPass NewPassword1234.
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating password and confirm password do not match is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: recover account --answer Koko --password NewPassword123
      Expected: No user details are updated. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

Delete Account

  1. Delete currently stored user account.

    1. Prerequisites: There exists a user account currently stored in the application

    2. Test Case: delete account.
      Expected: The currently stored user is deleted and all stored Customer and Delivery Data is deleted.

    3. Test Case: delete account extra or other extra arguments.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Add Customer

  1. Adding a Customer to the application.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently no stored Customer with a phone number of 87654321. There is currently a stored Customer with a phone number of 87651234.

    2. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone 87654321 --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: A new Customer is added, with name Gabriel, phone 87654321, email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com and address RVRC Block B. The details of the added Customer is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: customer add --name G_briel --phone 87654321 --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating customer name constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone 987654321 --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating phone number constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone abcdefgh --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating phone number constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone 87651234 --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating that the Customer already exists is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone 987654321 --email Gabrielrocks --address RVRC Block B {.swift}.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating email constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: customer add --name Gabriel --phone 987654321 --email Gabrielrocks@gmail.com.
      Expected: No new Customer is added. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

View Details of Customer

  1. View the details of a Customer.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Customer with an ID of 1. There is only one Customer stored in the application.

    2. Test Case: customer view 1.
      Expected: The details of the Customer with an ID of 1 is shown in the result message.

    3. Test Case: customer view 0.
      Expected: No new Customer details are shown. Error indicating customer ID constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: customer view -1.
      Expected: No new Customer details are shown. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: customer view a.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: customer view 2.
      Expected: No new Customer details are shown. Error indicating invalid customer ID is shown in the feedback message.

List Customers

  1. List the Customers stored in the application.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is at least one Customer Stored in the application.

    2. Test Case: customer list.
      Expected: All customers are listed. A message indicating that Customers have been listed is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: customer list extra.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Find Customers

  1. Find a Customers matching query.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There are currently three stored Customers with names Alex Wong, Alex Tan and Tan Ah Meng {.swift}.

    2. Test Case: customer find Alex.
      Expected: Only the Customers Alex Wong and Alex Tan are shown. A message indicating the number of Customers listed is shown in the result message.

    3. Test Case: customer find Alex Tan.
      Expected: All three Customers, Alex Wong, Alex Tan and Tan Ah Meng are shown. A message indicating the number of Customers listed is shown in the result message.

    4. Test Case: customer find Ale.
      Expected: No customers are shown. A message indicating the number of Customers listed is shown in the result message.

    5. Test Case: customer find.
      Expected: No customers are shown. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: customer find Al_x.
      Expected: No customers are shown. A message indicating the number of Customers listed is shown in the result message.

Update Customer Details

  1. Update the details of a specific Customer.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Customer with an ID of 1. There is only one Customer stored in the application.

    2. Test Case: customer edit 1 --name Gabriel.
      Expected: The name of the Customer with an ID of 1 is updated to Gabriel. The updated details of the Customer with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: customer edit 1 --phone 98761234.
      Expected: The phone number of the Customer with an ID of 1 is updated to 98761234. The updated details of the Customer with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: customer edit 1 --email GabrielIsCool@gmail.com.
      Expected: The email of the Customer with an ID of 1 is updated to GabrielIsCool@gmail.com. The updated details of the Customer with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: customer edit 1 --address RVRC Block E.
      Expected: The address of the Customer with an ID of 1 is updated to RVRC Block E. The updated details of the Customer with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: customer edit 1.
      Expected: No Customer details are updated. An error indicating that at least one field must be provided is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: customer edit 2 --name Gabriel.
      Expected: No Customer details are updated. An error indicating invalid customer ID is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: customer edit 0 --name Gabriel.
      Expected: No Customer details are updated. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

Delete Customers

  1. Delete a specified Customer.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Customer with an ID of 1. There is only one Customer stored in the application.

    2. Test Case: customer delete 1.
      Expected: The Customer with an ID of 1 is deleted. The details of the deleted Customer is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: customer delete 0.
      Expected: No Customer is deleted. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: customer delete -1.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    5. Test Case: customer delete a.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: customer delete 2.
      Expected: No Customer is deleted. Error indicating invalid Customer ID is shown in the feedback message.

Add Delivery

  1. Adding a Delivery to the application.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a Customer stored with an ID of 1. And the current date is 2023-12-02.

    2. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer 1 --date 2023-12-12.
      Expected: A new Delivery is added, with name Chocolate Cake, Customer ID 1, expected delivery date 2023-12-12, order date as today's date, delivery status as CREATED, and the address as the address of the Customer with an ID of 1. The details of the added Customer is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate_Cake --customer 1 --date 2023-12-12.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating delivery name constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer 0 --date 2023-12-12.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating customer ID constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer a --date 2023-12-12.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer 2 --date 2023-12-12.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating invalid Customer ID is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer 1 --date 2023-12-01.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating expected delivery date constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --customer 1 --date 2023-13-01.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating date constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    9. Test Case: delivery add Chocolate Cake --date 2023-13-01.
      Expected: No new Delivery is added. An Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

View Details of a Delivery

  1. View the details of a Delivery.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Delivery with an ID of 1. There is only one Delivery stored in the application.

    2. Test Case: delivery view 1.
      Expected: The details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the result message.

    3. Test Case: delivery view 0.
      Expected: No new Delivery details are shown. Error indicating delivery ID constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery view -1.
      Expected: No new Delivery details are shown. Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: delivery view a.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: delivery view 2.
      Expected: No new Delivery details are shown. Error indicating invalid delivery ID is shown in the feedback message.

List Deliveries

  1. List the Deliveries stored in the application.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There are two Customers with an ID of 1 and 2 stored in the application. There are three deliveries stored in the application. The first with ID 1, Customer ID of 1, delivery status CREATED, expected delivery date 2023-12-03 {.swift}. The second with ID 2, Customer ID of 2, delivery status SHIPPED, expected delivery date 2023-12-04 {.swift}. The third with ID 3, Customer ID of 2, delivery status SHIPPED, expected delivery date 2023-12-05 {.swift}. The current date is 2023-12-03.

    2. Test Case: delivery list.
      Expected: All Deliveries are listed sorted in descending expected delivery date. A message indicating that deliveries have been listen is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery list --status CREATED.
      Expected: The Delivery with an ID of 1 is listed. A message indicating that Deliveries have been listed is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery list --customer 1.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    5. Test Case: delivery list --date today.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: delivery list --date 2023-12-04.
      Expected: The Delivery with an ID of 2 is listed. A message indicating that Deliveries have been listed is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: delivery list --sort ASC.
      Expected: All Deliveries are listed sorted in ascending expected delivery date. A message indicating that deliveries have been listen is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: delivery list --customer 2 --status SHIPPED --sort ASC.
      Expected: The deliveries with ID 2 and 3 are listed in ascending expected delivery date. A message indicating that deliveries have been listen is shown in the feedback message.

    9. Test Case: delivery list --status INVALID.
      Expected: No Deliveries are listed. An Error indicating delivery status constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    10. Test Case: delivery list --customer 0.
      Expected: No Deliveries are listed. An Error indicating Customer ID constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    11. Test Case: delivery list --date 2023-13-04.
      Expected: No Deliveries are listed. An Error indicating expected delivery date constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    12. Test Case: delivery list --sort random.
      Expected: No Deliveries are listed. An Error indicating sort constraints is shown in the feedback message.

Find Deliveries

  1. Find Deliveries matching query.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There are currently three stored Deliveries with names Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Bun and Strawberry Bun

    2. Test Case: delivery find Chocolate.
      Expected: Only the Deliveries Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Bun are shown. A message indicating the number of Deliveries listed is shown in the result message.

    3. Test Case: delivery find Choclate Bun.
      Expected: All three Deliveries, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Bun and Strawberry Bun are shown. A message indicating the number of Customers listed is shown in the result message.

    4. Test Case: delivery find Choc.
      Expected: No Deliveries are shown. A message indicating the number of Deliveries listed is shown in the result message.

    5. Test Case: delivery find.
      Expected: No Deliveries are shown. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: delivery find Chocolate_Cake.
      Expected: No Deliveries are shown. A message indicating the number of Deliveries listed is shown in the result message.

Update details of a Delivery

  1. Update the details of a specific Delivery.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There are currently two stored Customers with an ID of 1 and 2. There is currently a stored Delivery with an ID of 1, Customer ID of 1. There is only one stored Delivery in the application. The current date is 2023-12-12.

    2. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --name Vanilla Cake.
      Expected: The name of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to Vanilla Cake. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --customer 2.
      Expected: The Customer ID of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to 2. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --date 2023-12-13.
      Expected: The expected delivery date of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to 2023-12-13. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --status CANCELLED.
      Expected: The delivery status of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to CANCELLED. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --note By FedEx.
      Expected: The note of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to By FedEx. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    7. Test Case: delivery edit 1.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating that at least one field must be provided is shown in the feedback message.

    8. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --name Vanilla_Cake.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating delivery name constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    9. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --customer 0.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    10. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --customer 3.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating invalid Customer ID is shown in the feedback message.

    11. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --date 2023-13-13.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating expected delivery date constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    12. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --date 2023-12-11.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating expected delivery date constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    13. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --status INVALID.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating delivery status constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    14. Test Case: delivery edit 1 --note By_FedEx.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating note constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    15. Test Case: delivery edit 2 --name Vanilla Cake.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating invalid Delivery ID is shown in the feedback message.

    16. Test Case: delivery edit a --name Vanilla Cake.
      Expected: No Delivery details are updated. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

Update delivery status

  1. Update the status of a specific Delivery.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Delivery with an ID of 1. There is only one stored Delivery in the application.

    2. Test Case: delivery status 1 SHIPPED.
      Expected: The delivery status of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to SHIPPED. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery status 1 INVALID.
      Expected: No delivery statuses are updated. An error indicating delivery status constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery status 0 SHIPPED.
      Expected: No delivery statuses are updated. An error indicating delivery ID constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: delivery status 2 SHIPPED.
      Expected: No delivery statuses are updated. An error indicating invalid delivery ID is shown in the feedback message.

    6. Test Case: delivery status SHIPPED 1.
      Expected: No delivery statuses are updated. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

Create a note for a Delivery

  1. Create a note for a specific delivery.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Delivery with an ID of 1. There is only one stored Delivery in the application.

    2. Test Case: delivery note 1 --note By FedEx.
      Expected: The note of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is updated to By FedEx. The updated details of the Delivery with an ID of 1 is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery note 1 --note By_FedEx.
      Expected: No delivery notes are updated. An error indicating note constraints is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery note 0 --note By FedEx.
      Expected: No delivery notes are updated. An error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    5. Test Case: delivery note a --note By FedEx.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: delivery note 1.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    7. Test Case: delivery note 2 --note By FedEx.
      Expected: No delivery notes are updated. An error indicating invalid delivery ID is shown in the feedback message.

Delete Delivery

  1. Delete a specific delivery.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command. There is currently a stored Delivery with an ID of 1. There is only one stored Delivery in the application.

    2. Test Case: delivery delete 1.
      Expected: The Delivery with an ID of 1 is deleted. The details of the deleted Delivery is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: delivery delete 0.
      Expected: No Delivery is deleted. An Error indicating invalid command format is shown in the feedback message.

    4. Test Case: delivery delete -1.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    5. Test Case: delivery delete a.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

    6. Test Case: delivery delete 2.
      Expected: No Delivery is deleted. An Error indicating invalid Delivery ID is shown in the feedback message.


  1. Shows the help information to the user.

    1. Prerequisites: None.

    2. Test Case: help.
      Expected: Help message is shown in the feedback message. A new window is created with the link to the User Guide.

    3. Test Case: help extra.
      Expected: Similar to previous.


  1. Exits the application.

    1. Prerequisites: None.

    2. Test Case: exit.
      Expected: The application exits.

    3. Test Case: exit extra.
      Expected: Similar to previous.


  1. Clears all Customer and Delivery data.

    1. Prerequisites: Logged-in into the application with the login command.

    2. Test Case: clear.
      Expected: All stored Customer and Delivery data is deleted from the application. A message indicating that data is cleared is shown in the feedback message.

    3. Test Case: clear extra.
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Saving data

  1. Dealing with missing/corrupted data files.

    1. Prerequisites: There are existing Customer and Delivery Data files with existing stored Customers and Deliveries.

    2. Test Case: Close the application and delete addressbook.json.
      Expected: Upon the next application start and login, a new addressbook.json is created and deliverybook.json is cleared.

    3. Test Case: Close the application and delete addressbook.json.
      Expected: Upon the next application start and login, a new deliverybook.json is created.

    4. Test Case: Close the application and edit addressbook.json by changing the name of the first Customer to John_Doe.
      Expected: Upon the next application start and login, addressbook.json and deliverybook.json is cleared.

    5. Test Case: Close the application and edit deliverybook.json by changing the name of the first Delivery to Chocolate_Cake.
      Expected: Upon the next application start and login, deliverybook.json is cleared.

Appendix: Effort

Difficulty level

This project was moderately challenging as we had to deal with a large existing code base. It took us some time to understand how the different components interact with each other. Furthermore, our team was not familiar with frameworks such as JavaFX prior to this, and we had to learn how to use it.

Challenges faced

  • Understanding and refactoring the code base
    • As HomeBoss deals with Customers and Deliveries, we had to refactor Person into Customer, and irrelevant classes such as Tag has to be removed.
  • Creating storage for Deliveries
    • AB3 deals with only one storage. However, HomeBoss has two storages, one for Customers and one for Deliveries. Furthermore, there is a dependency between the two entities, requiring a new BookStorageWithReference class that accepts two type parameters to be created.
  • Adapting the PersonListPanel to ListPanel
    • The PersonListPanel was designed to contain a list of Person. However, as we decided to display both Customer and Delivery in the same list, we had to adapt the PersonListPanel to ListPanel to accommodate both types of entities.
  • Figuring out how to implement a secure login/logout system
    • As one of the feature of HomeBoss is security, we had to figure out and implement the hashing of user password and how to store the data related to the account.


  • Added security feature to prevent unauthorised access to the application.
  • Displaying the list of Customers and list of Deliveries using the same panel.
  • Creating a new storage for Deliveries that has references to Customer.
  • A refreshing look of the UI.
  • New features such as filtering and sorting of deliveries.
  • Increasing code coverage to 83.5%.